Monday, October 8, 2012

Design Trade-Offs

After reading Is Design Dead?, I have come to realize the debates that exist over the amount of effort and thoroughness that should be put into the design stage of XP. XP really encourages that design really be indirectly created through the development of user stories, and that designs really should not be "set in stone" when development begins.

When I started my first large project in the summer with ARM, I more or less took the XP approach. I had no idea what issues I would come across in development, and I really had no idea what classes and structures were necessary to complete the job. And that's ok! So I thought. The design would sort itself out in the end.

There's a balance though. There needs to be some element of design pattern application and forethought structure put in place such that refactoring and scalability will not be an issue later. You can't just go aimlessly writing hundreds of lines of code implementing spike solutions to user stories. There still needs to be some thought put into design so that when it comes time to improve the solution, you won't have to rewrite the entire thing.

Again, for my project, I had no idea what problems I would come across, so I sort of formed a "design-as-you-go" mentality. Keep design as simple as possible and as scalable as possible. The design should make sense from an overhead view and should be fluently applicable at the source code view. As the project grows in scope, it can be difficult to balance the work put into design and the work put into user stories. How much time do I spend refactoring code in order to adhere to a better design? In my experience, if I think that a certain piece of code will need to be expanded on later, I tend to spend a good amount of time on refactoring it if I believe there is a better design. Often times there is just no way I would have known why this new thought out design was better, so there is no way I could have designed it in the first place.

Sometimes people can get really attached to pre-determined designs and force code to adhere to it. The problem is that the code will begin to lose its flow and explaining it to someone else will become more and more confusing. If you can't explain the overall flow to someone, it's probably a bad idea, and it is due to bad design, the design needs to be modified.

Just as people shouldn't get too attached to code, don't get too attached to design! In my opinion, software design is just as important as the code itself, and if it needs to be changed for the better, by all means just do it! Cross it out with a pen! If you force yourself to adhere to a bad pre-determined design, you are going to have a bad time.

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