Sunday, December 9, 2012

What a Ride

Over the course of this last semester, I believe I have gained a respectable amount of exposure to techniques and industry standards in the field of software engineering. Having taken Object Oriented Programming last (Spring) semester and Software Engineering this Fall with Dr. Downing, I have learned invaluable information that will no doubt stay with me for years to come.

I believe one of the most valuable things I have learned is how to work with a group. I currently work at ARM, but I am mostly a one man show. I work with a collection of engineers that tell me what they want, and I do it. In a way, the computer engineers are my consumer, and I am constantly going back and forth with them, creating new features and determining the next feature to implement with the highest priority. Another is testing. Dr. Downing stresses and stresses test driven development. You test first, you reap the rewards. You get things done correctly. Your code changes work predictably. If you do not test first, you develop software that is half-baked. It is not guaranteed to work. You have no real way to demonstrate that your code works, and no real way to test your consistently test your changes against the established behavior of the system, and make sure it complies.

I encourage all comp-sci students at UT Austin to take Dr. Downing's class. The information he gives is truly invaluable, and he always presents it in a way that prevent you from simply slipping by. His classes are truly in-your-face and get down to the nitty-gritty of various C.S. languages. As far as I am concerned, there is no better person to learn C++ or python from. He will not only teach you the language, but he will also tell you how badly they suck. Java sucks. C++ sucks. Haskell sucks. Of course, they all have their respective benefits, but he doesn't simply begin a love story with a language when you take a class from him. He will tell you what makes the language beautiful, but will not forget to tell you what truly doesn't make sense.

All in all, I might not make extravagant grades in Dr. Downing's classes like I do in others, but I learn an incredible amount. Dr. Downing, you will truly be missed. Peace.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Paper Blog: Behavior Driven Development

Edit: the original paper by Dan North can be found here

Over the course of this last semester, I have learned a lot about tools and best practices for software engineering and development. This includes topics such as Agile Development, TDD (Test Driven Development), Extreme Programming, and efficient use of pair programming. Most of these development practices overlap and can be used in conjunction with one another. The problem is that to someone new to these things, it all can seem a bit overwhelming.

Dan North saw these issues and created something called behavior-driven development (BDD), as described on his blog here. Over the years Dan has been teaching and running many courses over subjects involving accelerated agile and behavior-driven development. He even has a few conferences he will be teaching at over the next few months over accelerated agile development! In his words, "[BDD]... is designed to make them [agile practices] more accessible and effective for teams new to agile software delivery".

In earlier years, when Dan was trying to fine tune his agile development and TDD skills, a series of "Aha!" moments are what drove him to create BDD. First, test method names should be sentences. Even the method names within the test should be sentences and describe what is really happening within the test. The test should document itself to a certain degree. Doing this really iterates to you and other analysts the behavior of different machinery in the code, especially when written using language the business users can understand. There are even tools such as agiledox which will create simple documentation based on the class and method names within your test harness. One issue that somewhat irks me is the encouragement of long method names with this methodology. In the past I have typically put an effort into making method names as concise as possible. This practice will sometimes force you to literally write sentences in your method names, and yes, sometimes this will lead to some visually displeasing test code. In the end though, I suppose it is in fact better to be more descriptive in your test names so that you can quickly know what did not work when a test failed.

Another issue the sentence template addresses is pointing out behavior which does not belong in a certain class. An example Dan uses is calculating ages of a client. If you keep testing to make sure the client's age lines up with the client's birthdate, does it not make more sense to factor that behavior out into an AgeCalculator class? These created classes are meant to only perform a service. They are easy to test, and they are very easy to inject into classes which need the service. This is known as dependency injection (or at least a form of it).

Each test should describe a behavior. Each test is a behavior. What happens if a test fails? Well, first of all why did it fail? Did the behavior move to another class? Did the specification change such that the failed behavior is no longer relevant? When you start to think in terms of behaviors instead of "test", it really allows you to understand why you are testing and gives your code some backbone as to why things are the way they are.

One very interesting technique is how Dan integrates BDD with user stories. I know when I first started created user stories (I am still new to the idea), I had a difficult time creating a mental template on which to model them. Dan offers the following form :

+Scenario 1: A trader is alerted of status
Given a stock and a threshold of 15.0
When stock is traded at 5.0
Then the alert status should be OFF
When stock is traded at 16.0
Then the alert status should be ON

He uses a Given->When->Then schematic to what should happen in certain scenarios. In his replacement for JUnit, JBehave, we can really see how he applies this model right into the creation of tests. There are five steps: 1. Write story, 2. Map steps to Java, 3. Configure Stories, and 4. Run Stories. I have shown the second step below from his website just to show how well the stories map to the JBehave test harness.

The idea is that each "Given" in the user story will map to a class in JBehave, so that the behavior of that story can be tested individually, which is a very, very cool idea. Also, having classes to implement these fragments allow them to be reused later as you continue to build the application, so that you will truly have well-defined end-to-end tests by the time you finish the application.

JBehave even has a story editor in eclipse that will link to the corresponding JBehave Java method. Sometime soon I will give his system a go, simply because the concept plays so nicely with user stories. It really implies that each user story is a specific behavior, and that each behavior has a test associated with it. A lot of people might say that BDD is still TDD, but I think it is different in that it really forces you to abide by the practices created by agile development. For a novice agile developer, it makes the steps for utilizing user stories and TDD much more natural.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Using __dict__ in Python and Private Attributes

In the last phase of the World Crises project, I was designed with creating the search functionality. Given the reasonable amount of data types in our Google app engine datastore, I soon tried to search out a way to iterate over the datastore without creating multiple loops with the same body. The problem is that these types are represented as fields of different app engine model objects. How would someone iterate over the instance fields of a class?

Well, the solution I came up with was to use the __dict__ variable in python. __dict__ is a "private" (Is anything really private in Python?) variable which contains the attributes in a class instance: all functions, variables, etc. Using this special field I am able to make a list of the model names I want to search, and then access them using the __dict__ dictionary.

Why does the variable start with two underscores? This is how private attributes are handled in Python. They aren't actually private, of course, because you can still access them, but they do lend themselves to be fairly awkward and ugly if you do try to use them. If you try to create attributes that start with two underscores, they will have their names mangled like so:

>>> class A:
...     def __init__(self) :
...             self.__x = 5
>>> A().__x
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: A instance has no attribute '__x'
>>> A()._A__x

As you can see, if you try and make a variable starting with two underscores yourself, Python will mangle it by prepending an underscore with the class name. Another interesting thing is that names starting with _ will not be imported with "from X import *".

The more you know...